Tuesday, 22 June 2010

My Blogging Experience

Having a blog and writing posts is a new experience for me. In this english class I learned how to create a blog, design it and write about themes. I found it interesting, sometimes funny, depending on the subject we had to write about. Also, is good to write in english, because you can learn new words, the grammar, or the structure of some sentences, etc. I think it helped me to improve my english, specially to know words I did not use before. Besides that you can start a process to think in english, a not-common language in your daily life, but also very important in these times.
Another advantage I found, is when we had to write about anthropology's topic, because that is when you start knowing technic concepts that can be useful for your studies. Blogging in the Englisg class, is a interactive way for learning english, also is a kind of "free way", because you can write opinions or whatever you want about something using new techonologies, like internet and blogs, characterized by the personal "stamp" that they have.
Furtheremore, as you have to read your clasmates's posts, you can start know them and know better your friend(s), what they think or what have they done.You also have to comment to their posts, so you can start having a conversation about a subject. This is the funny thing.
Like a disadvantage I can say that, due to it's a free writing, you can be a little confused or disturbed about how to write in english or if you're using a good grammar, etc. I know the teacher correct you at the end, but that not ensures that you're going to write a correct post.
Well, having and writing a blog is an incentive to express your ideas or anything in english and to lose fear of make a mistake when you talk with a foreign.

1 comment:

  1. Good job,

    This is the marking criteria:

    Task: 3 pts, lexis: 3 pts, Grammar: 3 pts= 9pts

    Final grade: 7.0

    More comments in class.

