Tuesday 7 September 2010

Breaking News: school suicide

The last news I heard was this morning. It was about a school boy who commited suicide. He decided to kill himself last friday, in Puente Alto, where he lived. It was a very shocking news because he did it because his school's inspector insulted and treated him badly, so he took the decision and ended up his life. His family didn't know about the bad treatment from his inspector, but his classmates did. So they told the news how hard was this man with the boy. This is a very awful situation, on the one hand this man should not be rude with the boy, but on the other hand, I think he never imagined what his words and bad attitude could cause.
I think that the impact this situation caused is very strong, every mother thinks about what is happening with her kids and maybe would result that mom and dad or closest family will be more worried about their children and spend more time with them, talking, having fun, being affectionate, etc. Furthermore, every kid is different and you don't know if they are living a depressed stage or if they are more sensitive than you believe. This is the second scholar suicide in two weeks, so it is a very worring situation.

Well, about things I would like to hear in the news, there are that inequalities finally finished, that every people could have decent vacations, that justice is done quickly! or that we care about our enviroment.


  1. it's actually really shocking that a boy with a entire life in front of him can take a desition like that

  2. It is a terrible piece of news because you think that bulling is from the classmates of the cildren and results that it could happen for and adult`fault.
    Really sad news.

