Tuesday, 5 October 2010

News: The paradox of middle-class aspiration

America is a very unequal society and it has been this way for decades. The Great Recession was a positive event in a way it focus politic and economist's attetion in social unequality. Economist just started to worry about the middle-class situation, wich is the most injured sector of american society. Besides, politics and polocies generally damage middle-class people.
Real wages have not been increased or went down and income inequality has been regularly rising in the US since the 1970s. The recent census shows that the median income was down about 4% last year and the number of families that earn less than 25,000 increased by 1%.

In the attempt to solve this unequal situation, the Republicans wants to increase taxes of rich people in $700bn dollar. But the problem is many americans, from all social classes are opposed to raising taxes for the rich. One posible explanation of this position is that people belief you can ascent social scale or that they may one day be rich themselves. Therefore, this is the "American dream", the one politics tell you, but actually this is not as probably, considering US has the lowest social mobility of any industrialised nation.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, this problem is a big problem for the america. In all their countries is the same. I hope one day don't have more problem in this topic.
